Curtis Cannon City of Oxnard

Public Sector Consultant

Archive for the month “February, 2016”

Curtis Cannon of the City of Oxnard – Three Important Leadership Skills You Need to Have

Curtis Cannon served in the City of Oxnard for 16 years and is an experienced change agent and key problem-solver for government and other agencies. He has served in leadership roles and has exhibited excellent leadership skills. Here are three important leadership skills every leader should have.

Be an Effective Listener

Effective listening is one of the most important skills every leader should have. Without proper listening skills, you will not be able to receive feedback from what your team members are working on. To be a good listener, you will have to maintain eye contact, respond appropriately, and avoid distractions. Communication is not just verbal but includes body language and gestures as well.


John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” As a leader, you should be able to influence and motivate people. When your team members or employees lose their focus, you should be able to motivate and encourage them. One of the best ways to motivate people is to appreciate them for what they do. Appreciate the work your employees do and let them have a feeling of being valuable to the company.

As a leader, it is your job to make sure that your team or employees don’t get tired of doing the same job over and over again. Recognition and appreciation for what they do will help in keeping them motivated.

Curtis Cannon City of Oxnard has worked in the City of Oxnard for 16 years.

Curtis Cannon of the City of Oxnard – Three Important Qualities Every Leader Should Have

Curtis Cannon served in the City of Oxnard for 16 years. He is a highly skilled individual who has been in the public sector for over 24 years. During his tenure at the City of Oxnard, he led a team and prepared and maintained budgets between $750,000 and $5,000,000. He also oversaw Economic Development Projects and Programs, Redevelopment, Affordable Housing Community Outreach, and Research and Development. He has excellent leadership and marketing skills. Here are three important skills every leader should have.

Leaders Inspire Engagement

As a leader, it is your utmost responsibility to make sure that all employees in your organization are engaged and interested in the work that is being done. It is crucial that they have a feeling of value. Some people can work for several years in an organization without creating any value, just because they are not engaged in what they are doing. As a leader, it is up to you to inspire your employees so that they have a sense of value working for the organization.

Develop Personal Adaptability

Leaders need to understand the constant change that is taking place within the organization and the business world and adapt. Things that worked perfectly in the past, might not necessarily work the same again. They need to look at things with a fresh insight and vision and seize valuable opportunities that arise.

Cultivate Learning Agility

Most people struggle with maintaining a learning agility. As business strategies constantly evolve, leaders should as well. Experienced leaders take the initiative in looking for opportunities through which they can learn new things. They are open to experimenting with new approaches and take the time to reflect on their experiences, learning from their failures and successes.

Curtis Cannon was the lead negotiator for the Wagon Wheel Development Project during his time as Community Development Director at the City of Oxnard.

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